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At Stellix we are focused on a world where accessible science and technology improves human well-being and our environment.  We value a human-centered approach. In one of the casual working areas at our corporate headquarters we have portraits of these six inspiring people:

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr, a Hollywood actress and inventor, co-developed frequency-hopping spread spectrum technology during World War II. This invention laid the groundwork for modern wireless communication systems, reflecting her innovative spirit and contribution to accessible technology that fosters human connectivity and progress.
Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson

Katherine Johnson, a pioneering mathematician at NASA, played a crucial role in calculating trajectories for space missions, including the Apollo moon landing. Her mathematical prowess and determination broke barriers for women and minorities in STEM fields, exemplifying the power of inclusive science and technology to propel humanity towards new frontiers of exploration and discovery.
Dr. Francis Collins

Dr. Francis Collins

Dr. Francis Collins, a renowned geneticist and physician, led the Human Genome Project, mapping the human DNA sequence. His groundbreaking research advances personalized medicine and facilitates understanding of genetic diseases, promoting accessible healthcare solutions that improve human well-being and quality of life.
Jennifer Doudna

Jennifer Doudna

Jennifer Doudna, a biochemist and Nobel laureate, co-developed CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, revolutionizing genetic engineering and biomedical research. Her innovation offers promising avenues for treating genetic disorders and advancing agricultural sustainability, embodying the potential of accessible science and technology to address complex challenges and enhance human and environmental resilience.
Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci, a polymath of the Renaissance era, made pioneering contributions to various fields, including art, science, and engineering. His visionary designs and scientific inquiries laid the groundwork for modern inventions and technological advancements, highlighting the transformative power of interdisciplinary collaboration and accessible knowledge in fostering human progress and creativity.
Alan Turing

Alan Turing

Alan Turing, a mathematician and computer scientist, laid the theoretical foundations of modern computing and artificial intelligence. His seminal work on cryptography during World War II and development of the Turing machine revolutionized information processing, paving the way for accessible computing technologies that continue to shape our interconnected world and drive innovation for human betterment.